YouBlue React - Bluetooth

Rev 1.03 | March 27, 2017
Create Bluetooth profiles to react to different device connections. If/Then
Choose from a variety of reactions when connecting to different Bluetooth devices. Create a different profile for each device (multiple profiles allowed in Pro).

Bluetooth profile reactions include :
-Start an app
-Start another app
-Toggle Bluetooth
-Toggle WiFi
-Send "Media Play" intent (for default music player only)

Also react to WiFi
-Toggle Bluetooth
-Launch an app

You can create a profile and set up reactions for each Bluetooth device you have paired with your phone/tablet. You can only set up 1 profile in the free version. For unlimited profiles and no ads, upgrade to YouBlue React Pro. WiFi reactions are available, but not tied to a profile. Launch any launchable app in the reactions.

Example use case:
Mazda profile -
Bluetooth connects -> Launch Pandora, then launch Maps, turn off WiFi.
Bluetooth disconnects -> Turn on WiFi, turn off Bluetooth

Bluetooth Speaker Profile -
Bluetooth connects -> Launch Spotify
Bluetooth disconnects ->Turn off Bluetooth

WiFi connects -> Launch Home, turn off Bluetooth
WiFi disconnects -> Turn on Bluetooth

**YouBlue React has no association with above mentioned apps.

Android App : YouBlue - Bluetooth Auto Control

Rev 1.5 | August 20, 2014
Smart control for your Bluetooth adapter! Save battery! Auto start music apps!
Do you use Bluetooth in your car? If so, this app is for you!

Some people keep Bluetooth off to save battery, but forget to turn it on when getting in the car. Others leave Bluetooth on all the time to be sure they connect when they get in the car. With this app, you don't have to waste battery or lose out on your car's Bluetooth feature. This app uses a smart algorithm (customizable) to determine when your Bluetooth adapter needs to be on.

Your Bluetooth adapter will be turned on/off automatically depending on your Bluetooth/Wifi connection status. If you connect to a wifi network (arrive at home/work) your bluetooth will be turned off. If you lose wifi connection (leaving home/work) Bluetooth will be turned on breifly to see if a connection to your car is available. It will subsequently check every 5 minutes for the next 15 minutes, in case you park far from your wifi.

If you lose connection to Bluetooth (turn your car off), your Bluetooth adapter will be turned off immediately. A check will then be run (assuming no wifi connection is detected) every 5 minutes for the next half hour, then every 20 minutes for the next hour. Each check turns on the Bluetooth adapter for 20 seconds to see if there is a connection available. This is handy if you stopped for gas/lunch and no wifi connection is present.

Once connected to bluetooth one of the following apps may be started automatically if configured in settings:
Slacker Radio
Milk Music
Google Play Music

My Dog : Shrek

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Shrek's Birthday | April 21, 2010
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With a degree in Electrical Engineering and a passion for design, my dream is to create and inspire for the betterment of this world.



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